The mat is made of water-resistant NBR cushioning material. During exercise, our body can perform exercises without any discomfort. The carpet is thick - 1 cm. A thicker mat provides more comfort to our body and joints, allows us to perform painless and pleasant exercises. Insulates from cold soil and does not deform.
The mat has excellent grip, it does not slip during training, which has a significant impact on the safety of use. It doesn’t stretch, which is important when doing yoga.
The set includes elastic straps, and a carrying handle that will make transportation much easier. We can easily take the mat to the gym, outdoors or any other place.
The mat can be used for exercising at home, in the gym or as an alternative to a mattress on the go.
material: NBR foam
dimensions (length / width / height): 183/61 / 1cm
weight: 850 g
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